Manic May....
What a great start to the month of May...we have just finished installing our new server and computers for all of the office - excellent! However this did cause a little stress as we were nearly two days without e-mail, then a Bank Holiday which was 5 days in total...when my Blackberry finally got its act together it just sat there pinging for about 20 minutes as it caught up with all the mail!!! If I missed anyone or you sent me something and got no reply please re send and we will get back to you.
However, it's now all done and working well, huge thanks for all the work done by
1-zero-1 in Torquay - thanks Chris, Mark and the guys! Even in the midst of all the chaos of the upgrade we still found an amazing coincidence...Kornel, one of the 1-zero-1 team was one of our students!... in 2005 he came here for his work placement experience and then last year applied for a job with 1-zero-1 ... and 7 years after his placement he arrived at our offices to upgrade our computer system...brilliant news! Well done Kornel, proof indeed that the Leonardo mobility projects really work...
I have been out and about calling at several businesses and shops in Paignton looking for, and finding, some new opportunities for a group of students coming over to enjoy 3 weeks working in shops and offices...thank you to all those businesses who welcomed the idea and have given so many young people the opportunity to visit Torbay... so big thanks to, in no particular order... Scoops, Sugazone, Riviera Gifts, Mainline, Bijou B, Bay Fashions and many many more.

Thursday saw our weekly student meeting at the lovely
Dots Pantry...cream tea and coffee, absolutely brilliant - the shop was completely full with our students and all had a fantastic time, and to cap it off it was a year to the day that Dots Pantry first opened - Happy first birthday, may you have many many more. Thank you to Dot, John, all your staff and a special thank you to the two lovely ladies who were sitting having a quiet coffee in Dots when about 50 young European students arrived in a way that only young Europeans can...noisily! Thank you both for your understanding.
Went to another great 2nd Friday network meeting at Cockington Court this morning...very interesting discussion re Foxy Lingerie by Nicola Fox. Sad and very enlightening story of how the global financial problems impact on small business. Hope to see you all at the next meeting. On that subject the next
Breafast Networking Club meeting is next Tuesday 15th May at the Grand Hotel (07.15 am). Hope to see you there :0)
Well there we are...another busy week and the start of what will become a manic month...we have a great many students arriving and loads to do to ensure they enjoy their time here in Torbay. So from a week that started with torrential rain I am sat here getting ready for the weekend with sun shining throughj the will be a good weekend in Torbay - get out there and enjoy it, perhaps even grab an ice-cream from one of Paigntons newest businesses, Scoops! Have a great week-end all...Ciao !