The week started with student work placement starts, always an exciting and busy time, for us and the lucky students meeting their placements for the first time. We also formally welcomed Jo Bridges to TTPL, she has joined us as a part time Work Placement Officer so I'm sure many of you will meet her in due course.

Tuesday was another great Breakfast Meeting at The Grand Hotel then on for more student starts! So much easier with a good healthy 'Full English' to start the day. The day also brought an interesting meeting with Quen at Q-Ball Media who has done a great job of our folder upgrade...delivered ahead of time AND folded :0) Excellent ... Also went to see Colin at Duchy Foods, he has expressed an great interest in what we do and we are currently trying to find a suitable student for him - I would have included a picture of the gorgeous lemon muffin I had with my coffee there but to be honest it didn't last long enough to photograph!!!
Following our brilliant visit from a group of French nurses Debbie and I went to visit two of our guest speakers, Carol and Corinne at Brixham Hospital...we are hoping we can arrange a reciprocal visit by some uk nurses to the Quimper Training Hospital in France.

Thursday afternoon is STUDENT MEETING TIME! This week was a great visit to Paignton Zoo ...the students (and staff) always love the Zoo visits. Three of our students are currently studying to be surveyors in Italy and we have to give a huge thank you to Andy Coleman from DEA Torbay who came down and spoke about his business and how it impacts on many aspects of the surveying industry. Thank you Andy!
We also had to say Good Bye to two of our Italian groups, they were presented with their certificates and will return home this weekend. They all enjoyed their time here and pass on their thanks to everyone who made their visit as fantastic as it could be.

So, another week over and another weekend arriving...have a good one and see you again next week!