What a year it has been, one of the best summers we have seen here in a long time - some amazing Student Meetings around Torbay, new hosts and workplacements' plus loads more. So here is a quick catch up of the previous 12 months...
We have gained 4 members of our team...Debra, Lisa, Kerry and Laura - WELCOME once again!
We said good bye to Debbie, Sam and Lorenzo - Stay safe and have fun guys.
Our new website is nearly ready and should be live very early in the new year (fingers crossed!)
Our last Student Meeting of the year was held at Applebys in Torquay - a fantastic afternoon and loads of dressing up fun...pictures are here on our Facebook Page - and a Merry Christmas from our students!
We did really well with our student numbers, and finished the year with 947 participants and we already have 400 plus booked for next year...we even have some bookings for 2016!!!!!
Most of all; we have all enjoyed every single day of 2014 and it would seem so have our students! An amazing 97% of them would recommend TTPL, with an average score of 8.9 out of 10 for overall satisfaction - stunning! All due to the exceptional work and effort from our Host Families, our Work Placements and the entire Training Partnership team.
So... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at TTPL
Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noël, Bon Nadal, Frohe Weihnachten, Vrolijk Kerstfeest, Buon Natale, Crăciun Fericit, Gleðileg jól
Merry Christmas!
SEE YOU IN 2015!