I haven’t been on here since my first week at TTPL so thought I’d write a
little hello to tell you about what’s been happening this week. As all of you
must know the Winter Olympics’ have just got under way in Sochi, Russia. Being
an avid snowboarder myself I’ve been watching the slope style and thrilled to
see Jamie Nicholls already book his place in the final on his Olympic debut!
However I haven’t been able to practice my skills this year as we seem to be
getting only rain and as far as I Know rain boarding isn’t a sport…..YET!!!

Also new this week
is Cyrille, our new trainee from Belgium here on work placement. So from all of
the TTPL team here in Torquay…WELCOME!!! Cyrille will be working with us here
in our new reorganise office. Luckily rugby isn’t popular in Belgium, so he
can’t take the mick out of England’s performance, although I will be avoiding
him if England plays Belgium in this year World Cup!
I would like to
leave you with a feel good thought…Ian Smith our UK Business Development
Manager quit smoking a year ago today (it can be done people)! I think you will
all agree a year without smoke is a fantastic achievement and I liked to say a
big well done to Ian……although I think he may have replaced his cravings with
coffee ;)
Cheers all Sam