This week saw the annual MTI (Manufacturing Technology and Innovation) event, organised by the TDA and held at the Riviera International Conference Centre.
This year we put out an invitation to some of our partner organisations who send us engineering based students and are delighted to have been able to welcome Tina Butterbrodt from Bildungs Werkstatt Chemnitz gGmbH. She arrived on Wednesday evening and enjoyed a two night stay at The Grand on Torquay sea front. A lovely 'English' hotel (according to Tina) and very convenient for the RICC. Pretty good breakfast too!

We spent a few hours at the event and had the opportunity to speak with many of the High Tech companies in this area that have (and will continue to) host our/her students - with some excellent experiences and stories to tell - it was a very enjoyable time. A very interesting presentation from Spirent and some inspiring young people demonstrating their technical skills! Before we continued our day Tina asked about the differences between the German and UK Apprenticeship system - with particular reference to Engineering. A very big 'thank you' to Anthony Sutton from South Devon College who spent some valuable time explaining the current system and how we train our young people - excellent!