So how do we change lives?
During the last couple of weeks I have been able to attend a few events where young people have spoken about their experience, one was a young lady who became the youngest person to conquer Mount Everest and the other, another young lady, who used her graduate placement to carve a job for herself at a local travel company. Others have spoken about how their experiences motivated them to start their own business. Stories of how, in the midst of a global recession young people sieze the opportunities available and shape their lives. Inspirational stuff.
It got me thinking about past TTPL students and the companies they
worked with...and how the 'life change' also happens for the placements.
I know of companies here in Torbay that have expanded into Europe, as a direct result
of taking one of our students and having the courage to embrace an opportunity
abroad. This means that we, TTPL, have helped a young person take their first
career steps and also helped a business expand - what a result - but it doesn’t end there.
Our students are often taking their first 'solo' steps away from home, away
from family and friends, and away from all that is familiar. Consider that for
a moment - you travel to a new country where you are unlikely to hear your
mother tongue. Everything is written in the wrong language, traffic attacks you
from the wrong side of the road, the food is different...in fact, everything is
different. This is where the magic happens...when families wave goodbye to
their young offspring they are often just that, young offspring - what they get
back are young adults, people who have grown in themselves, become independent
and appreciative of what 'work' and ‘life’ can mean. For the individual the 'germinating shoot' has begun to flower!
We have companies that, having offered placements, have gone on to offer employment to students once their
studies have been completed. Marketing projects that would never have been
done. Translations that have made the difference between getting an export
contract or not. I cannot leave out those companies that, quite simply, take
great pleasure from having a student in their workplace to provide a fresh way
of thinking that can revitalise their working environment.
Back to the question; what do student placement bring to the work place?
From an employer’s perspective the benefits are many and various; Motivated
young people with a burning desire to learn; Enthusiasm; New skills; Language;
Opportunity and good old fashioned Altruism. Never underestimate the motivation
that people gain from helping someone.
For the student...Knowledge; Skills; a fantastic CV; Independence; the
freedom to 'grow up' and so much more. Travel, contacts, stretching their minds
and their confidence…taking the first step to being all that they can be.
Being part of that is a real privilege, one that should be embraced by everyone.

The problem I have is that I could rattle on for hours about student placement - it has been part of my life for so long, part of what I do. I clearly need to condense my rambling to a single word of benefit to cover what a European student can bring to a workplace. So, what is the benefit of graduate/student placement...in a single
A word we should all learn, appreciate and most certainly celebrate.
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