Outside of this excellent training session the Romanian American University had arranged a great programme including an amazing day out to visit Peles Castle http://visit.peles.ro/ This is the Royal Palace and is stunning inside and out...although it was quite chilly up in the mountains and the snow was still lying thick on the ground the views were breathtaking!
We also managed to visit a winery, an interesting tour that gave a great insight into the production of a very pleaseant Romanian sparkling wine - with tasting of course! We also had a traditional Romanian lunch which was lovely - really tasty.
I do hope you like the few photographs that follow...

Almost back to normal next week as I will be off updating my Health and Safety knowledge - very important as we constantly strive to keep all of our trainees safe and sound while they are here in our care.
Oh, I nearly forgot...today, 15th February is the 7th day I have been 'smoke free'...not easy but determined to give up smoking this time :0)
See you all soon
Ciao for now!
I do hope you like the few photographs that follow...
Of course, no trip into the mountains of Romania would be complete without a trip to see Draculas castle - or at least one of them. This was a great finale to our very memorable day out.
Friday was back to the airport and flying back to the UK...full of ideas to put into practice.Almost back to normal next week as I will be off updating my Health and Safety knowledge - very important as we constantly strive to keep all of our trainees safe and sound while they are here in our care.
Oh, I nearly forgot...today, 15th February is the 7th day I have been 'smoke free'...not easy but determined to give up smoking this time :0)
See you all soon
Ciao for now!
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