Wednesday 6 March 2013

A day in the life...Jo Bridges

My name is Jo and I work alongside Ian and Mia in the Work Placement team here at TTPL. I’m a mother of three boys so my days are pretty crazy even before I’ve arrived at work and no day is ever the same which is one of the best things about my job.
This week, a group of Graduate Teachers arrived from Spain and today they begin their work placements so I’m taking 3 of the Teachers to their schools. We like to make sure everybody is settled and happy on their first day!
The schools in Torbay have embraced our students really enthusiastically and having settled Sonia into her new school I head back to take Juan Carlos to his primary school where he will spend the next 8 weeks as a teaching assistant. My last stop of the morning is to collect Buenaventura from his host family and take him to school too. He is nervous and excited for his first day but as I leave he is taking a tour of the school and looks very much at home already!
Next, it’s back to the office to catch up on my emails and calls. There’s always something going on in our lively, friendly office, and of course we have students working with us which adds to the great atmosphere.
A big part of my job is to source placements for new students as we receive the cv’s. We try to find a work placement that is a really close match for what they are studying and so we are constantly looking for new companies.
Time flies in this job, we always work ahead of ourselves so even though it’s March I’m casting my eyes ahead to students arriving in May and proactively chasing new employers! Each day is different, tomorrow I could be arranging a specialist delegate programme, or out visiting work placements with a Group Leader. One thing’s for sure, there is never a dull moment!

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